Farmer's Pride International Investiments
An Agriculture Subsidiary of the Hunter's Global Network PTY LTD
Farmer's Pride International Investments operates as both a non-profit and a for-profit company depending on the country it is registered in, and uses the Social Enterprise concept
It comprises of two HQs, the International Head Office in Botswana and the Research and Development HQ in the USA, FPI has grown from being a small youth farming group that formed itself from an Agriculture department in a Zimbabwean community-based organisation called the New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe in the year 2000, and later became an international NGO called New Hope Foundation Global Network:
In the year 2010, the current big dream then came to life when the Executive President and founder of FPI-I organized a skills and knowledge exchange project between several countries' Universities and other smaller NGOs that conducted a three days training of trainers workshops for 250 farmers from Zimbabwe's 10 provinces, the training included fieldwork as well as an HIV & AIDS awareness campaign amongst the farming communities.
In September 2015 the dream of making FPI a stand-alone organization came to life through its first pilot agriculture project in Eastern Cape, a province of the Republic of South Africa. In 2019, four years after its inception, FPI started agriculture projects in other countries as well as the exporting of its agro products to countries like China, the UK, France, and South America.
Today FPI has now grown from being a Zimbabwe-founded NGO to having a presence in +45 countries on 7 continents across the world and has moved its HQ to Botswana, with satellite HQs in the USA, and South Africa, this decision was taken in the year 2019, as it embarks on massive high-value crops farming activities' rollout across the world.
In year 2013 FPI-I Executive President and Founder Elfas Mcloud Zadzagomo Shangwa (Hunter) developed the Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP) and the 9-year agriculture strategy that unbundles the (RUAIPP) with its primary focus being on rural and urban development bringing to life youth and women's economic empowerment activities that promote agrifood production. Operating in several countries, across 7 continents, FPI-I's strategy brings sustainable solutions to global food shortages, by promoting agri-food production activities through an African agribusiness model being implemented using an Agriculture Based Cluster model of Farming ABCs, this model is a cheaper and more affordable means of farming that brings life to rural and urban Agriculture using the power of Social Capital, networking farming communities. Cluster farming uses fewer resources for a more significant yield and brings huge incomes at harvest to farming communities, with this model, RUAIPP intends to set up Knowledge-based Agriculture initiatives in the form of field and on-farm skills schools that stand as knowledge exchange platforms, these are research-based scientific informed activities that bring agroecology systems to life in every rural and urban farming setup, this will bring about agriculture skills and integrates technologies, scientific, indigenous, and other kinds of approaches to inform evidence-based hunger and poverty alleviation solutions, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that build sustainable food systems.
Tikuwona dziko lomwe achinyamata akutenga nawo gawo pazaulimi , madera akumidzi ndi otukuka komanso okongola padziko lonse lapansi.
Nthaka imakhala yathanzi komanso yobala zipatso.
Zamoyo zosiyanasiyana m'kati mwa makina athu oyendetsedwa bwino ndi zochuluka komanso zikuyenda bwino.
Kuzungulira kwa madzi, mchere, ndi mphamvu kukugwira ntchito mokwanira momwe angathere.
Madera amatha kudzipezera zosowa zawo mdera lawo ndipo kudyetsa dziko lapansi sikulinso chinthu chofunikira, kusamala za jenda, kufanana ndi kufanana, mwaulemu ndikuyika phindu pazatsopano zachidziwitso chakumaloko ndikusunga ufulu wa anthu.
Timagwira ntchito ndi maboma ndi mabungwe ena achitukuko kuti timange midzi yaulimi padziko lonse lapansi komwe nzika zili ndi mwayi wofanana komanso wokwanira wachuma ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu kuti apititse patsogolo moyo wawo, komanso komwe angathandizire bwino pa chitukuko chonse cha mayiko awo kudzera mu Agriculture Micro-financing kuti ikhale yokhazikika. ndi kachitidwe ka chakudya choyenera.
Kuthandizira kuyankha mlandu ndi njira zaulimi zokhazikika zomwe zimalimbikitsa ndi kupititsa patsogolo kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamakono pofuna kuteteza nthaka, kusunga zamoyo zosiyanasiyana ndi malo okhala, ndi kupanga zakudya zotetezeka, zathanzi, kumene ogwira ntchito amalemekezedwa, zinyama zimasamalidwa mwaumunthu, ndipo midzi yokhazikika imasungidwa kudzera muzopangapanga; kugwiritsa ntchito zatsopano zosinthika.
Our work is guided and informed by research and development, traditional skills, knowledge, and our beliefs and commitments to Rural Development, Urban and Peri-urban Farming Economic Empowerment, Community Centric, Inclusivity, Financial and material Accountability, Courage, and above all respect for people's rights, peace, collaboration, Harmony, and the value of cultural diversity.
Kodi timakonzekera bwanji kukwaniritsa cholinga chathu?
Ntchito yathu idzapambana pakukhazikitsa magulu aulimi ndi ma microfinance ngongole ulimi ndi chitukuko chakumidzi padziko lonse lapansi, izi zidzathandiza FPI kukwaniritsa zolinga zake pachitukuko chokhazikika, koma zotsatirazi ziyenera kupezeka kuti izi zichitike:
Tiyenera kukhala zokwanira wi nancial ndi othandizira ukadaulo komanso mayanjano omwe amathandizira ndalamazo.
Tikuyenera kuti tidatera mochuluka m'malo onse a polojekiti;
Tiyenera kukhala ndi malo ofufuzira padziko lonse lapansi;
Tiyenera kukhala ndi malo ogwirira ntchito opangidwa mwaukadaulo
Tiyenera kukhala ndi otsogolera odziwa bwino ntchito, Owonetsa, ndi Ophunzitsa, ma laboratories okhala ndi nthaka yachonde, yobala zipatso, madzi oyera ambiri ndi mpweya.
Tiyenera kukhala ndi maphunziro apamwamba aukadaulo apamwamba komanso kafukufuku;
Tiyenera kukhala ndi anthu anzeru, otithandiza, olemekezedwa, osamala, olimbikitsa, komanso odziwa bwino ntchito;
Tiyenera kukhala ndi chiyanjano ndi chithandizo cha madera, makampani, ndi ena okhudzidwa;