Farmer's Pride International Investiments
An Agriculture Subsidiary of the Hunter's Global Network PTY LTD
Farmers Pride International runs several agrotourism projects in Africa through its country branches where farming is brought together under cluster farming projects and the hub farm is then set up as a tourist destination, this is mostly done in the rural setup where FPI is working on promoting rural development.
“The farmer-driven by self-interest has a better chance of waging the war against hunger than the state with all the resources and knowledge at its disposal. We simply need to find ways of identifying African champions who, through a demonstration on the ground, can influence and inspire others to join the food supply train.” These words were spoken by Dr Brylyne Chitsunge, Africa’s first Pan African Ambassador for Food Security years ago, and they ring just as true today as an increasing number of farmers seek to diversify their product offerings, not least through agritourism.
To understand more about agrotourism, let's take a look at what the U.S. Travel Association says about it. Travel and tourism is a $1,036 billion industry in the United States that has directly generated more than 8.8 million jobs.
The U.S. travel industry ranks as the seventh-largest employer and among the top 10 industries in 49 states, including the District of Columbia, when measured by employment. Travel and tourism generate $165 billion in tax revenue for federal, state and local governments, with the restaurant industry accounting for the majority of this economic activity.
Untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang Agriwisata, mari kita lihat apa yang dikatakan oleh Asosiasi Perjalanan AS tentangnya., Perjalanan dan pariwisata adalah industri senilai $1.036 miliar di Amerika Serikat yang secara langsung telah menghasilkan lebih dari 8,8 juta pekerjaan. Industri perjalanan AS menempati peringkat sebagai pemberi kerja terbesar ketujuh dan di antara 10 industri teratas di 49 negara bagian, termasuk District of Columbia, jika diukur berdasarkan lapangan kerja. Perjalanan dan pariwisata menghasilkan $165 miliar pendapatan pajak untuk pemerintah federal, negara bagian dan lokal, dengan industri restoran menyumbang sebagian besar kegiatan ekonomi ini.
“Petani yang didorong oleh kepentingan pribadi memiliki peluang lebih baik untuk mengobarkan perang melawan kelaparan daripada negara dengan semua sumber daya dan pengetahuan yang dimilikinya. Kami hanya perlu menemukan cara untuk mengidentifikasi juara Afrika yang, melalui demonstrasi di lapangan, dapat mempengaruhi dan menginspirasi orang lain untuk bergabung dengan kereta pasokan makanan.” Kata-kata ini diucapkan oleh Dr Brylyne Chitsunge, Duta Besar Pan Afrika pertama untuk Ketahanan Pangan Afrika beberapa tahun yang lalu, dan kata-kata itu sama benarnya saat ini seiring dengan semakin banyaknya petani yang berupaya mendiversifikasi penawaran produk mereka, paling tidak melalui agrowisata.
Apa itu agrowisata?
Agrowisata adalah bisnis komersial di pertanian kerja atau operasi pertanian yang dilakukan untuk kesenangan pengunjung yang menghasilkan pendapatan tambahan bagi pemiliknya.
Agrowisata mencakup banyak bidang rekreasi luar ruangan, retret, pendidikan, akomodasi atau hiburan. Beberapa contoh agrowisata adalah:
Pusat retret dan pertemuan;
Pusat alam;
Wisata pertanian untuk keluarga dan anak sekolah;
Penginapan berbasis pertanian dan jalur ski dan sepatu salju lintas alam;
kamp hari pendidikan anak-anak;
Tempat tidur dan sarapan malam pedesaan;
Cagar alam untuk berburu burung atau buruan besar;
Pengamatan burung dan satwa liar;
Labirin jagung dan hutan angker;
Peternakan hewan peliharaan;
U-pick langsung;
Pabrik Anggur/Kebun Anggur;
Menunggang kuda, jerami, kereta luncur, traktor antik, mesin salju, atau kereta luncur anjing.
Pasar Petani;
pernikahan pedesaan;
Cagar alam di lahan petani
Akomodasi/Lapangan Berkemah
Kegiatan misalnya Hiking, Bersepeda; Penangkapan ikan
Peternakan, Peternakan Sentuhan Hewan
Peternakan Game
Penjualan langsung kepada wisatawan produk
Pertanian bersejarah (desa budaya)
Afrika memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari Agrowisata jika direncanakan dan dilaksanakan secara strategis.
Agro/ Agritourism business there are several issues to consider. University specialists suggest that you closely examine the following factors:
Define the "attraction” that will draw initial, then repeat, customers;
Research your competitors and cooperators (how you fit into the existing agritourism landscape), identify support and advisory teams of state and industry professionals;
Develop a simple feasibility study, then a business and marketing plan;
Have your feasibility study, business and marketing plans reviewed by a knowledgeable third party (industry, trade organization or extension professional);
Review other issues such as insurance, labour and biosecurity (especially if food is involved).
Develop a risk-management plan (first-aid availability, emergency contacts and procedures).
Provides additional income
Appreciates in value
Efficiently uses underutilized resources
Preserves farmland
Share agricultural heritage and rural lifestyle with visitors
Maintains family attention and interest
Provides an opportunity to meet people
Provides a chance to play a role in community activities
Promotes the agriculture industry
Worth thinking about:
While Tourism continues to grow in Africa, agriculture, particularly small to medium-size farms, struggles
Misunderstanding of what Agrotourism in Africa is all about
Rural signage problematic
Provides low financial returns, at least in the beginning
Interferes with farming operations
Hard Work
Adds workload to family members
Demands constant attention
Lack of privacy
Requires you to be upbeat, available & attentive
Involves risk and liability - Does the farm liability policy cover the Agritourism enterprise, or are they excluded as a separate business?
The FPI project shall create a conducive environment for investments and public partnerships to promote agritourism and its associated value chains in order to improve agricultural productivity and scale up local sourcing. To achieve these goals, FPI relies on key partnerships with regional and national institutions in agriculture, tourism, trade and health, working with farmer organisations and the private sector.
Examples of Sustainable Agritourism
Botswana’s Department of Tourism is accepting applications to license tourism accommodation on farms, but only legally licensed working farms that allocate 15% of the farm’s entire area would qualify. If the farm does not continue with its farming activities, the licence is revoked.
Agritourism in Zanzibar is well established with the Spice route being a major attraction for tourists who want to learn about the many types of spices grown on farms.
Agritourism models in Italy, Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
A few farmers in Ghana have named a restaurant "Farmers Pride Restaurant" based on the American concept of celebrating local, healthy, fresh and traditional products in a family atmosphere. On the menu of the restaurant, you will find traditional Ghanaian dishes made with local products, paying attention to food quality and environmental sustainability.
Best Practices in Agritourism
To attract visitors to rural areas away from major cities to increase employment
To increase the income of our farming communities
To help stop the migration of people to the major cities
To enhance community pride and rejuvenate the regional culture
To enhance the quality of life of rural communities and create opportunities
To reduce the impact of seasonality on rural communities
To support our Agriculture industry
Sustainable Tourism
Agritourism must promote tourism that is economically sustainable, socially equitable, environmentally friendly and culturally authentic.
Transportation – carbon footprint – drive as opposed to flying. If you fly, fly in an aeroplane with a carbon calculator
Eco-friendly environments – investigate certification claims and do not believe everything you read!
The most important thing in any country must be the Social Impact of Sustainable Tourism
The Human Factor:
What impact is your project making on the local people?
You must use Local Staff used in tourism establishments/attractions
Is the money kept within the community or in the tourism establishment owned by an international company?
Does your tourism businesses support environmental or educational projects?
Can travellers learn from the locals and vice versa?
Carbon footprint is important, but what about “handprint”? Do you interact with the community?
Are the art/gifts made by the local community?
What relationships have you created with the local community?
FPI Guiding principles of sustainable Agritourism
We assist farmers to educate tourists on the practice of sustainable farming and rural development
We build Environmental Awareness, including awareness of the importance of Biodiversity (Media)
We empower farm staff through tourism and entrepreneurship training
We explain to tourists the different farming ethics around farming methods, for example, organic farming
We make local farm-fresh products available for sale directly to Agritourists
We share agricultural heritage with visitors
We improve relationships between farmers and the local communities
We assist farmers with their marketing (Who/Why/When/Where) and social media campaigns.
We also work with our country branches and partners in different countries across the world to set up agrotourism projects.