Farmer's Pride International

A Catalyst for Socio-Economic Transformation

An Agriculture Subsidiary of the Hunter's Global Network PTY LTD

Očekuje se da će se globalna populacija povećati na 9,9 milijardi do 2050. godine , ovaj nivo predstavlja povećanje od više od 25% u odnosu na 2020. godinu, pri čemu mladi (u dobi od 15 do 24 godine) čine oko 14 posto ovog ukupnog broja. Iako se očekuje da će svjetska kohorta mladih rasti, mogućnosti zapošljavanja i poduzetništva za mlade – posebno one koji žive u ekonomski stagnirajućim ruralnim područjima zemalja u razvoju – ostaju ograničene, slabo plaćene i lošeg kvaliteta.
Svijet mora brzo djelovati kako bi prepoznao potencijal poljoprivrednog sektora da služi kao izvor mogućnosti za život za ruralnu omladinu, da bi se to dogodilo moramo se pozabaviti sljedećih 6 principa izazova identificiranih u studiji koje zajednički poduzimaju Organizacija za hranu i poljoprivredu Ujedinjenih naroda ( FAO ), Međunarodni fond za poljoprivredni razvoj ( IFAD ) i Tehnički centar za poljoprivrednu i ruralnu saradnju ( CTA ) su kako slijedi:
Neadekvatan pristup finansijskim uslugama
Nedovoljan pristup znanju, informacijama i obrazovanju
ograničen pristup tržištima
ograničeno učešće u dijalogu o politici
ograničen pristup zemljištu
Poteškoće u pristupu zelenim poslovima

Mladi i tehnologija u poljoprivredi
Svijet shvaća da postoji velika potreba za poljoprivrednicima i da su nam potrebni mladi ljudi da postanu farmeri. Migracija ruralnih i urbanih područja u zemljama u razvoju stvorila je veliki pritisak ne samo na vlade već i na javnu infrastrukturu. Mnoga urbana područja su loše opremljena da podnose priliv ljudi koji traže posao, naglašavajući alokaciju resursa, stambena tržišta i programe socijalne zaštite. Ipak, poljoprivreda može pružiti mladim ljudima priliku da se izvuku iz siromaštva, ako ih na odgovarajući način podržavaju donosioci odluka i politika.
IKT predstavljaju jedinstveno rješenje povezivanja mladih farmera sa mogućnostima u poljoprivredi kako bi se stvorila zajednica sa više znanja i bolje podrške. IKT imaju neželjene koristi,
Centri za pristup Internetu izgrađeni u blizini farmi postali su središta za mlade ljude da se povezuju i druže sa drugim mladim, lokalnim poljoprivrednicima. Ovi projekti rade. Današnji seoski farmeri imaju znatno drugačiju poljoprivrednu stvarnost od onih prethodnih generacija, a snabdijevanje im trenutnih informacija omogućava im da budu bolji donosioci odluka.
ICT ide dalje od pružanja obrazovanja, povezivanja i stvaranja zajednice mladih farmera koji rade pametnije i koji rade zajedno za dobro.

Empowering the Future through Farmers Pride International (FPI)
Farmers Pride International (FPI) is steadfast in addressing the challenges of rural-to-urban migration among Africa's youth by presenting agriculture as a viable, lucrative, and innovative career pathway. Recognizing that young people are essential to the transformation of the agricultural sector, FPI places youth empowerment at the core of its Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP). By equipping young people with the skills, tools, and opportunities they need to thrive in agricultural value chains, FPI fosters a generation of leaders who will drive sustainable rural development, improve food security, and catalyze economic transformation.
Activities Under FPI’s Youth in Agriculture Programs:
Training and Capacity Building
Skills Development Workshops: Young farmers are trained in modern farming techniques, including sustainable land management (SLM), regenerative agriculture, and agroecology. These workshops focus on productivity enhancement, climate resilience, and eco-friendly practices.
Entrepreneurship Training: Programs that teach young farmers how to establish and manage agribusiness ventures, covering topics such as marketing, financial management, and customer engagement.
Technology Integration Training: Exposure to digital agriculture tools, precision farming, and automation technologies to make agriculture more efficient and appealing.
Access to Resources and Inputs
Affordable Inputs: Ensuring access to high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and equipment tailored to youth farming projects.
Financial Support: Collaborations with microfinance institutions to provide credit facilities, grant opportunities, and financial literacy training for young farmers.
Land Access: Partnerships with governments and community leaders to make farmland available for youth-led farming initiatives.
Youth-Centric Agricultural Clusters
Formation of Agriculture-Based Clusters (ABCs): Establishing clusters to integrate youth into cooperative farming models. These clusters enable young farmers to share resources, exchange knowledge, and gain access to markets.
Value Addition Hubs: Creating agro-industrial hubs where young farmers can process and package their produce, increasing profitability and reducing post-harvest losses.
Leadership and Innovation Development
Mentorship Programs: Pairing young farmers with experienced mentors to provide guidance and foster leadership skills.
Youth Agripreneur Networks: Establishing platforms for young farmers to connect, collaborate, and share success stories.
Research and Development: Encouraging youth participation in innovative projects, such as regenerative farming trials and climate-smart agricultural research.
Market Integration and Value Chain Support
Market Linkages: Facilitating access to domestic and international markets through trade expos and digital platforms.
Export Training Programs: Educating youth on certification requirements and export readiness for global markets.
Collective Bargaining: Empowering youth groups to negotiate better prices for their produce and services.
Community Engagement and Advocacy
Youth Farming Ambassadors: Identifying young farming leaders to champion agriculture within their communities.
Awareness Campaigns: Promoting agriculture as a career through school outreach programs, agricultural fairs, and social media campaigns.
Policy Advocacy: Engaging policymakers to create youth-friendly agricultural policies and incentives.
Strategy and Objectives for Youth in Agriculture
SMART Objectives:
Specific: Train and empower 10,000 young farmers annually across 10 countries.
Measurable: Establish 100 youth-led Agriculture-Based Clusters by 2026.
Achievable: Leverage partnerships with governments, NGOs, and private-sector stakeholders to provide funding and technical support.
Relevant: Align activities with global sustainable development goals (SDGs) such as Zero Hunger (SDG 2) and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8).
Time-Bound: Achieve full implementation of youth-centered agricultural programs by 2030.
Pathways to Success
Innovative Solutions: Integrating cutting-edge technologies like IoT in farming and blockchain for traceability.
Collaborative Partnerships: Strengthening alliances with governments, educational institutions, and private investors.
Inclusive Development: Ensuring that youth from disadvantaged communities have equal access to opportunities.
Sustainability Focus: Promoting practices that preserve natural resources for future generations.
Expected Outcomes
Increased Youth Participation in Agriculture
Engage at least 25% more youth in agricultural activities across rural and urban regions.
Empower young people to see agriculture as a viable and fulfilling career choice.
Economic Empowerment
Establish 500 youth-led agribusiness ventures by 2030, contributing to rural economic development.
Boost household incomes through increased productivity and value addition.
Improved Food Security
Enhance food production capacity through youth-driven agricultural innovations.
Reduce post-harvest losses by integrating youth into value-added processing and packaging activities.
Sustainable Farming Practices Adoption
Implement regenerative agriculture practices on at least 50,000 hectares of farmland.
Increase the use of agroecology-based methods to combat climate change and improve soil health.
Market Access and Global Trade
Facilitate access to national and international markets for youth-led agricultural products.
Increase the number of certified youth-exported goods by providing training and meeting global standards.
Community Transformation
Foster vibrant rural economies through youth-led agricultural clusters and enterprises.
Build cohesive, supportive communities where young people serve as role models for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL)
Conduct quarterly assessments to track training participation, farm productivity, and market integration outcomes.
Develop a digital dashboard to collect real-time data on youth-led farming initiatives.
Perform mid-term and annual evaluations to assess progress against SMART objectives.
Use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as income growth, employment rates, and adoption of sustainable practices to measure success.
Publish transparent reports on program achievements, challenges, and financial spending.
Establish feedback mechanisms where youth participants can voice their concerns and suggestions.
Organize annual review workshops to share lessons learned and best practices among program stakeholders.
Adapt program strategies based on insights gained from evaluations and participant feedback.
The FPI Youth in Agriculture Program represents a transformative initiative that combines capacity building, resource access, and innovation to create sustainable agricultural systems led by young farmers. By empowering youth through Agriculture-Based Clusters, Sustainable Land Management, Agroecology, and Regenerative Agriculture, FPI is fostering a generation that can tackle food security challenges, drive rural economic growth, and build resilient farming communities.
Through this integrated approach, FPI is not only shaping the future of agriculture but also providing young people with the tools to lead their communities toward prosperity and sustainability. Investors, governments, and donors are invited to support this mission and contribute to creating a legacy of empowered youth in agriculture.