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Laboratory Scientist

Даследаванне сельскай гаспадаркі 

Farmers Pride International далучыўся да Global  Даследчая дзейнасць у сельскай гаспадарцы,  цяпер з тэхналогіяй у выкарыстанні

  Паводле ацэнак, аб'ём ведаў, якімі валодае чалавек, падвойваецца менш чым за сем месяцаў. Іншымі словамі, менш чым праз сем месяцаў з таго моманту, як вы прачытаеце гэта, наша грамадства будзе мець удвая больш ведаў пра навакольны свет, чым сёння.


Плануем рэалізаваць  Сельская гаспадарка навука  якая актыўна імкнецца выявіць працэдуры, якія дазволяць павялічыць ураджайнасць жывёлы і сельскагаспадарчых культур, павысіць прадукцыйнасць сельскагаспадарчых угоддзяў, знізіць страты з-за хвароб і насякомых, распрацаваць больш эфектыўнае абсталяванне і павысіць агульнае якасць ежы.

Наша даследчая дзейнасць у сельскай гаспадарцы шукае шляхі павелічэння прыбыткаў фермераў і абароны навакольнага асяроддзя. Гэта дазволіць спажыўцам плаціць менш за прадукты харчавання і валакна, што дазваляе ім марнаваць грошы на іншыя рэчы.

Value Chain Measurement.

Transforming Agricultural Research and Development (R&D) for a Resilient and Equitable Future;

At Farmer’s Pride International (FPI), the focus of research and development (R&D) is to address the critical challenges faced by the world’s poor and disadvantaged communities. With an emphasis on improving productivity and managing natural resources, FPI’s R&D efforts encompass a wide range of areas, including food crop innovation, biodiversity conservation, forestry, agroforestry, livestock management, aquatic resources, soil and water nutrient optimization, water management, and agriculture-related policy development. Additionally, FPI is dedicated to strengthening scientific capacity within developing countries, creating pathways for sustainable progress and equitable development.

Evolving Agricultural R&D for Changing Global Dynamics:

The landscape of agricultural R&D is shifting rapidly, with significant implications for global poverty, hunger, and socio-economic outcomes. Middle-income countries are emerging as key players in agricultural innovation, driven by increased public investment in R&D. This growth positions these nations as competitive producers of agricultural innovations and products. However, high-income countries continue to hold an advantage in innovation due to robust private-sector R&D investment. Balancing this dynamic requires strategic public-private partnerships that bridge innovation gaps and enhance equity in global agricultural systems.

Public investment in agricultural R&D remains crucial for global food security and environmental sustainability. Despite the high economic returns associated with agricultural R&D, the sector is characterized by long-term time horizons and delayed impacts. The lag between R&D investment and realization of benefits underscores the need for stable and sustained funding, particularly in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa, where volatility in public agricultural R&D expenditure is prevalent. To address this challenge, FPI is committed to fostering partnerships, creating innovative funding mechanisms, and advancing policies that stabilize and enhance R&D investments worldwide.


FPI-I invests much of its resources in bringing good results as it implement the RUAIPP , for great results we have borrowed ideas from FAO's Agroecology Principles stated on the diagramdiagram below:

Agroecology Principles.

Expanding Agriculture Economics in the Context of Innovation and Economic Development:

Agricultural economics plays a critical role in shaping global food systems, reducing poverty, and fostering sustainable development. Farmer’s Pride International (FPI) is committed to leveraging innovation in agricultural economics to address systemic challenges while enhancing productivity and sustainability. This strategy outlines how FPI approaches agricultural economics through targeted activities, SMART goals, pathways, and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEAL) frameworks.

Key Activities in Agricultural Economics:

To address the challenges of underinvestment and constrained technological choices, FPI identifies several critical activities:

1. Research & Development (R&D) in Agricultural Economics

  • Economic Modeling: Develop advanced models to assess the economic viability of emerging agricultural technologies and systems.

  • Resource Use Optimization: Conduct studies on the efficient use of land, water, and other natural resources.

  • Market Analysis: Analyze local, regional, and international market dynamics to create actionable insights for farmers and agribusinesses.

2. Capacity Building & Training:

  • Train farmers in financial literacy, budgeting, and business management to enhance economic decision-making.

  • Develop courses for policymakers on the economic impacts of agricultural innovations and sustainable practices.

3. Policy Advocacy & Institutional Reform:

  • Advocate for public investment in agricultural R&D to address market failures.

  • Support the establishment of agricultural innovation funds and tax incentives to drive private-sector participation.


4. Promotion of Technological Innovations:

Research and promote cost-effective technologies for precision farming, renewable energy integration, and post-harvest loss reduction.

  • Partner with tech firms to create mobile platforms for real-time pricing, market access, and economic decision-making tools.


5. Enhancing Rural Infrastructure:

  • Support the development of transportation, storage, and market linkages to reduce transaction costs for rural farmers.

  • Advocate for rural electrification to power agro-industries and reduce energy costs.


6. Economic Diversification Strategies:

  • Promote value addition in agricultural products to increase incomes.

  • Encourage diversification into high-value crops, livestock, and aquaculture to reduce dependency on traditional staples.


7. Community Engagement:

  • Facilitate participatory approaches to identify community-specific economic challenges and opportunities.

  • Support cooperatives and farmer organizations to enhance collective bargaining power.


SMART Goals for Agricultural Economics:



  1. Establish 20 regional economic hubs to support agricultural innovation and market integration by 2030.

  2. Implement financial literacy programs reaching 1 million farmers by 2028.



  1. Achieve a 30% increase in average farmer incomes in target regions by 2030.

  2. Reduce post-harvest losses by 25% through technological interventions by 2027.



  1. Secure $300 million in funding for agricultural economic research and development by 2026.

  2. Partner with 50 institutions globally to co-develop and implement economic strategies for farmers.



  1. Align with SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

  2. Address challenges in resource-constrained and climate-affected regions.



  1. Establish policy frameworks for sustainable agricultural economics in 10 countries by 2027.

  2. Train 50,000 policymakers, extension workers, and researchers in agricultural economics by 2028.


Pathways to Implementation:


  1. Global Collaboration:

    • Partner with international organizations, governments, and private firms to fund and implement agricultural economic strategies.

    • Leverage FPI’s R&D HQ in the USA to provide technical expertise.

  2. Policy Integration:

    • Work with governments to design and implement policies that encourage R&D investment and sustainable farming practices.

    • Develop economic incentives to drive private-sector innovation in agriculture.

  3. Market Development:

    • Facilitate the creation of farmer-friendly markets with transparent pricing mechanisms.

    • Develop infrastructure for supply chain efficiency and minimize post-harvest losses.

  4. Technology Dissemination:

    • Use digital platforms to share research findings and provide decision-making tools to stakeholders.

    • Promote low-cost, scalable technologies tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers.

  5. Knowledge Transfer & Capacity Building:

    • Organize workshops and training sessions for farmers, policymakers, and extension workers.

    • Develop online courses on agricultural economics to reach a global audience.


Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEAL)


  • Use digital tools to track progress in key economic indicators such as income growth, yield improvements, and market access.

  • Implement real-time monitoring systems to ensure timely data collection and analysis.


  • Conduct baseline, mid-term, and end-term evaluations to measure project outcomes against objectives.

  • Use randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to evaluate the effectiveness of specific economic interventions.


  • Establish feedback mechanisms to incorporate lessons learned into ongoing projects.

  • Organize annual forums for stakeholders to share insights and refine strategies.


  • Publish annual reports highlighting achievements, challenges, and future directions.

  • Disseminate findings through academic journals and industry publications.


Expected Outcomes:

  1. Improved economic resilience among farmers through diversified income streams.

  2. Enhanced global food security through increased productivity and reduced waste.

  3. Stronger public-private partnerships driving innovation and market development.

  4. Empowered rural communities with equitable access to resources and opportunities.


Call to Action:

Farmer’s Pride International (FPI) invites funders, investors, and partners to collaborate in advancing agricultural economics for a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future. Together, we can harness the power of innovation to transform agriculture and uplift millions of lives globally.

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Image by Lucas Vasques


a man

In the late 19th century public agricultural research institutions were set up in the advanced industrialized nations of today. These paved the way for technological change and transformation in the agricultural systems of these countries (Ruttan, 1982). In the last 50–100 years, dramatic changes in agricultural productivity and production have taken place, driven in large part by investments in public and private agricultural research (Alston and Pardey, 2014). These increases in agricultural productivity have by and large occurred across the globe, encompassing high-income (Andersen and Song, 2013Khan et al., 2017Thirtle et al., 2008) as well as middle- and low-income countries (Adetutu and Ajayi, 2020Fan et al., 2000Suphannachart and Warr, 2011), and involving their respective public sector agricultural R&D organizations. Today, nearly all countries in some form or another have national agricultural research institutes (Fuglie, 2018).

Thus, public sector agricultural research and development (R&D) has played an important role in increasing agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) across countries (Fuglie, 2018Rawat and Akter, 2020). These past patterns of growth in agricultural productivity have had important implications for food security and poverty (Alston et al., 2009a). In current times the role for agricultural R&D has expanded further. From boosting agricultural productivity and improving food security, agricultural R&D is now also viewed as a powerful means to ensure environmental sustainability and tackle climate change (Acevedo et al., 2018). The former through interventions and innovations that can minimize ecological damage while increasing productivity (Swaminathan, 2017); the latter through research that focusses on combatting potential threats and adverse effects arising from a mean rise in temperature, and also by mitigating the effects of global green-house gases resulting from agriculture (Lobell et al., 2013).

According to the 2019 Global Agricultural Productivity Report, in order to sustainably meet the needs of an estimated 10 billion people in 2050, global agricultural productivity would need to increase from the current average annual rate of 1.63% to a rate of 1.73% per annum (Steensland, 2019). Given the limited natural resources and degradation of the resources already in use (Fuglie, 2015), increases in agricultural productivity would need to accrue from intensification, i.e. by raising the yield per hectare. This makes the role of public agricultural R&D in raising agricultural productivity critical. Thus, stagnant or declining levels of public investment in agricultural R&D put future agricultural productivity growth at risk (Fuglie, 2015).



Funding for agricultural research and development (R&D), both public and private, has decreased over the years. The success of the Green Revolution may have resulted in a complacent attitude among funding agencies. Given the recognition of the need for food and the cost of research and development, most people now view this reduction in funding as a huge mistake. Several agencies, NGOs, and private sector firms are now reversing this trend. Private funding plays an important role in taking the new developments to the farmer. However, many of the breakthroughs in research happen in the public sector. An investment in the public sector is essential to create breakthroughs in helping the world meet the food demands of the future.


  1. Agriculture Economics

  2. The state of public agricultural R&D today

  3.  A shift in the traditional bastions of agricultural research

  4. Sustainable Food Systems and Agriculture

  5. Cluster Farming in Agriculture

  6. Agriculture in Fragile States 

  7.  Agriculture Production

  8. Integrated Management of Soil Fertility

  9. The benefits of Technology in Agriculture 

  10. AR&D in fighting poverty and Hunger in Africa

  11. Agroecology systems in Agriculture 

Даследаванне сельскай гаспадаркі  


Даследаванне сельскай гаспадаркі з'яўляецца найстарэйшай формай арганізаваных даследаванняў у свеце. Даследаванне ў сельскай гаспадарцы можа быць шырока акрэслена як любая навукова-даследчая дзейнасць, накіраваная на павышэнне ўраджайнасці і якасці сельскагаспадарчых культур шляхам іх генетычнага паляпшэння, лепшай аховы раслін, арашэння, метадаў захоўвання, механізацыі гаспадаркі, эфектыўнага маркетынгу і лепшага кіравання рэсурсамі.



Колькасныя даследаванні  

Гэта акт збору і аналізу лікавых дадзеных, каб праверыць гіпотэзу, зрабіць прагнозы або знайсці заканамернасці. Такія даныя могуць быць прадстаўлены ў табліцах, дыяграмах або графіках.

Важнасць колькасных даследаванняў для сельскай гаспадаркі і рыбалоўства немагчыма пераацаніць, таму што яны карысныя для выяўлення мадэляў захворванняў у сельскагаспадарчых культурах, ліквідацыі гэтых пагроз і прадухілення іх узнікнення ў будучыні.

Plant Biologist

Прагрэс праз даследаванні

У цэлым будучыня сельскай гаспадаркі светлая.


Мы заахвочваем больш інвестыцый у даследаванні сельскай гаспадаркі, дзякуючы дапамозе сельскагаспадарчых даследаванняў і пастаянным выпрабаванням, можна чакаць, што ўзровень жыцця, які мы атрымліваем сёння, палепшыцца.

Імунізацыя жывёл- Гістарычна хваробы былі разбуральнымі для жывёлагадоўчых прадпрыемстваў. Укараненне вакцын і лекаў палепшыла здароўе пагалоўя. Імунізацыя жывёл, працэс надання жывёлам устойлівасці да хвароб праз вакцынацыю або прышчэпку, прывёў да зніжэння захворвання. Жывёл у свабодным ад хвароб асяроддзі можна вырошчваць з значна меншымі выдаткамі для вытворцаў, а эканомія перадаецца спажыўцам.

Штучнае апладненне- Выдатныя жывёлы з'яўляюцца прадуктам вышэйшых бацькоў. Штучнае апладненне - гэта размяшчэнне спермы ў жаночых рэпрадуктыўных шляхах з дапамогай штучных метадаў. З укараненнем штучнага апладнення рэзка ўзрасла перадача генаў ад вышэйстаячага айца або бацькоў-самца. Дзякуючы сучасным метадам збору, захоўвання і размеркавання спермы практычна любы вытворца можа атрымаць доступ да лепшых генаў у галіны .

Біялагічны барацьба- шкоднікі значна зніжаюць прадукцыйнасць сельскай гаспадаркі. Адным са сродкаў барацьбы з шкоднікамі з'яўляецца біялагічны барацьба. Некаторыя метады барацьбы з шкоднікамі з дапамогай біялагічнай барацьбы ўключаюць драпежных насякомых, бактэрый, грыбоў і вірусаў. Ўвядзенне паразітычных вос у аранжарэю для барацьбы з белай мухай з'яўляецца прыкладам біялагічнай барацьбы. Дарослыя восы адкладаюць яйкі на лічынак белай мухі. Калі яйкі вылупляюцца, лічынкі вос паглынаюць лічынак белай мухі. Іншы прыклад — выкарыстанне бактэрыі Bacillus thurengiensis для барацьбы з насякомымі-шкоднікамі палявых і агароднінных культур.

Спецыялізаванае раслінаводства. Даследчыкі працуюць над распрацоўкай сельскагаспадарчых культур, якія спецыялізуюцца на канкрэтных камерцыйных мэтах. Прыклады ўключаюць у сябе культуры са спецыфічнымі прыкметамі, такімі як высокае ўтрыманне бялку, алею або крухмалу. Некаторыя гібрыды кукурузы былі распрацаваны спецыяльна для вытворчасці этанолу. Акрамя таго, вядуцца работы па вытворчасці сельскагаспадарчых культур з большай пажыўнасцю.

Дакладныя тэхналогіі — глабальная сістэма пазіцыянавання (GPS), геаграфічныя інфармацыйныя сістэмы (ГІС), мікракампутары і кантролеры машын — гэта дакладныя тэхналогіі, якія павысілі эфектыўнасць сельскай гаспадаркі.


Спадарожнікі, якія круцяцца вакол зямлі, падключаюцца да наземнага прыёмніка ў полі або на абсталяванні. Сістэма вызначае дакладныя кропкі на картах сеткі ГІС, каб кантраляваць працу тэхнікі ў палявых умовах. Гэтая тэхналогія асабліва карысная для ўнясення угнаенняў і атрымання дадзеных аб ураджаі

Нашы даследаванні сельскай гаспадаркі накіраваны на выяўленне працэдур, якія дазволяць павялічыць ураджайнасць жывёлы і сельскагаспадарчых культур, павысіць прадукцыйнасць сельскагаспадарчых угоддзяў, знізіць страты з-за хвароб і насякомых, распрацаваць больш эфектыўнае абсталяванне і павысіць агульнае якасць ежы. Даследчыкі шукаюць шляхі павелічэння прыбыткаў фермераў і аховы навакольнага асяроддзя.

Далучайцеся да нас, падтрымлівайце, інвестуйце ў нашу працу!

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