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FPI Governance Structures:


l believe leadership is not a solo endeavor. It’s a give-and-take, an exchange between individuals. I define leadership as “a social process that enables individuals to work together as a cohesive group to produce collective results.” We see leadership happening in the interactions and exchanges among people with shared work.

Social, cohesive, collective, and shared responsibility in leadership emphasizes the group over the individual.

Because in a group, a multitude of skills, perspectives, and expertise work together, making the whole greater than the sum of its parts. Any individual weakness is easily overcome by the strengths of others, and the team thrives. The best leaders share the power and authority of their position without fear that others will take over or bump them out of their position. 

I have embraced social processes to build a strong base of accountability and transparency in our work, with strong social structures in place we will be able to implement and govern our systems and structures from the grassroots, these structures are responsible for policy development and implementation, project activity implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation. We believe in teamwork for the best results as we implement our agrifood production strategies based on the following biblical strategists: Nehemiah  and  Jethro

(Elfas Mcloud Zadzagomo Shangwa (HUNTER) Executive President and Founder of Hunter's Global Network &  FPI)

social leadership.

Value-Based Leadership:


FPI-I practices value-based leadership, a combination of elements similar to participatory leadership strategies, the difference being that it's a value-based leadership approach is built into the design, management, and often the branding of its agri-business. This kind of leadership approach depends on strong relationships, mutual trust and respect, participation by all, accountability by all, investment by all, strong communication, and an environment that encourages and promotes these principles.  By getting everyone involved, and understanding the day-to-day realities of all members of the organization, leads to improved processes, new insights, untapped opportunities, and overall positive organizational transformation. 


The success of FPI-I cluster projects depends on the human and social capital that make up the links in the operational chain—people, networks, and the quality of interconnecting relationships and linkages. Successful leaders from businesses affiliated with FPI-I agree upon values, desirable outcomes, and measures and can speak with one voice about them. Communicating with employees and people at all levels ensures there is a common vision and messaging across the chain. Leaders must be embedded in and committed to the process and parts and must be brokers for both business interests and other negotiated, shared social and environmental goals.

Our practice of inclusive governance has a competitive market advantage in that broad-based involvement provides ample feedback within the system to inform and guide the business through periods of intense change. Yet, inclusive participatory governance can also come at the expense of business efficiency and nimbleness. FPI-I leaders must be vigilant to protect against this potential drag on the system and carefully weigh potential tradeoffs between efficiency and inclusiveness.


FPI Leadership Structures and their Functions:

1) International Executive Council (IEC);

2) International General Council (IGC);

3) International Executives (IE);

4) Regional Councillors (RCs) ;

5) National Executive and community structures led by coordinators and farming communities, many of them volunteers.

International Policymaking Structures:


The structure is led by the FPI Presidium & and the  (Founding Member)

The office’s duties are on Operations Administration management (OA) it manages the policy development and implementation processes, project activity tools, and standards involved with operating, administering, managing, and maintaining any programs and activity systems in FPI.

The policy-development office works with all policy-making structures across the world, including continental leadership under the 7 Vice Presidents, Regional leadership under the International General Council, and regional councillors. 

The International General Council is led by Continental Vice Presidents and their regional leadership structures.

Working together with these structures we become the Chief Policymakers of the FPI, we work to make the organization functional and attractive to donors and funders and to work in harmony with different host governments across the world. These structures stand as FPI project monitoring systems, from grassroots, regional, continental, and international.


International Project implementation and management structures:

This structure is led by the International  Executive, which falls under the leadership of the CEO a renowned economist who is the leader of the organization's day-to-day activities and leads FPI sitting on both the IEC and the IGC, not as a policymaker but as its ex-officio, the CEO is the ley leader of FPI, besides leading FPI project he also influences policy-making processes and policy adoption as he is the one who shapes the FPI activities through his day to day leadership of the organization.

The CEO is deputized by many deputies from different levels who have different functions at the regional and international levels, first amongst the leadership are the following officials:

  1. The Office of the Finance Controller (Fin-Co) Internal Auditor or  Compliance Executive, is a very crucial office that carries a responsibility for the setting up of Financial policies, implementation, auditing, recruitment of finance admin staff as well as managing FPI Finances at the community, national, regional and International levels, Continental, Regional and national levels, this office also set up, works and monitors with fundraising and marketing teams.

  2. The office of the Senior Executive Director, who is responsible for Capacity building, is an important office responsible for shaping our leadership into what we expect to get out of them, starting from starting branches, setting up of structures, management, and operations.

  3. The office of the Senior Executive Director responsible for the Agroecology project, this office has several sub-offices attached to it in line with several activities under the Agroecology project.

  4. The office of the Executive Director is responsible for membership and the Microfinance Credit Scheme, this office is held by a person with both financial and admin skills and a good track record in handling and managing people and money, they are responsible for recruitment, data management and running self-help microfinance credit schemes. 

  5. The office of the Executive Director, responsible for Monitoring and Evaluation, this office looks at the input-transformation-output processes and enables a search for efficiency and optimization by rearranging or changing the processes ( Deliverables on all our activities)

  6. Executive Director responsible for the Integration of technology into Agriculture, This office integrates effective knowledge management strategies, incorporating the producer's knowledge and responding to the technology user's needs.


      With the above structures at the international level, FPI is going far and will win on   

      all its projects.


FPI Governance is composed of 6 constitutional governance structures, namely:


The International Executive Council (IEC): 


This is the FPI’s highest  International Governing body, currently led by the Executive President and founder of the FPI, composed of 6 officials: the Executive President, the Deputy Executive President, the Chief Executive, an advisor to the President, and 3 other Executive Members.


The governance body is responsible for the approval of projects and policies agreed upon by the International General Council (IGC). The body meets 3 times each year physically but holds several online sittings to approve and deliberate on matters arising from the organization's operations; this Executive arm of the FPI meets with all governance bodies at regular intervals.

See Organogram>>>>>

The International Executive or the (International Secretariat) :


 The international Executive is the FPI Secretariat, a body that is led by the Chief Executive Officer who is deputized by several Senior Executive Directors. These two are the most important individuals in FPI as they are the leaders of the organization and who give strategic direction at the international level, this body runs and operates FPI on a daily basis and consists of different program officials, working at the FPI HQ and as well as Continental and regional offices, it recruits membership and employees makes program decisions and implements agreed on activities across the world working with country chapters in consultation with the IGC structures and the approval of the IEC, the International executive meets with the IEC on several occasions both virtually and in person. 

See Organogram>>>>>

FPI Governance
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This is an international governing body made up of 7 Vice Presidents from 7 continents, they serve a 3-year term and can stand for re-election, these 5 Vice Presidents rotate the IGC Chairpersonship for 12 months each year. This means the IGC Chair will be moved to one continent every 12 months.


They are followed by regional chairpersons and amongst these regional chairpersons one who is elected to be the Executive Chairperson deputies the continental Vice President and sits as the acting vice president in the absence of the Vice President, these Chairpersons are elected from the 6 representatives from each country branch who meet once every 3 years at an  International General Assembly, the 6 members are as follows: Country Board Chairperson, Deputy and Treasurer, Country Director, the Deputy Country Director, and Senior Program Officer. The Continental Vice president reports to the IEC, while the rest of the continental regional teams report to the Continental Vice Presidents.

They meet with the IEC once every fourth year for the International General Assembly and 3 to 4 times each year with their committees to deliberate and conduct monitoring and evaluation of policies and projects agreed upon by the General Assembly, as well as to propose new policies to be submitted to ICE, the IEC meets. See Organogram>>>>>


Continental Councillors:


These are continental board members elected to represent their regions in the continental council, out of this group we have 5 who sit as regional Chairpersons and report to the IGC, heading the 5 continents across the world, with a mandate to lead monitoring and evaluation of the FPI activities and policy implementation as well as the election of senior councillors for regions. 2 country Board members and 2 country executive members from each country form the continental council and serve a 3-year term; these teams report to the Continent's Executive Chairperson, who in turn reports to the continent's Vice President. Executive Chairpersons and country councillors will be inducted into sub-committees that carry out different duties and responsibilities for 3 years in their continents and regions, and they report to the IGC Chairperson.

These teams meet twice yearly in a designated country and once every month virtually to report and discuss projects and challenges in their regions.


See Organogram>>>>>

The International General Council (IGC): 

Continental Council

Regional Councillors: 

Regional Councillors: These are 6 member teams from each country composed of the following country leadership: Country Board Chairperson, Deputy and Treasurer, Country Director, Deputy Country Director, and Senior Program Officer and are led by the Regional Chairperson and Executive Director, both of  whom coordinate FPI activities in their region.

They report to the regional chairperson, who in turn reports to the continental Executive Chairperson.


These teams meet once every 3 months in their region for monitoring of projects as well as planning and implementation of policies from the Continental Council, they also meet once every month virtually for reviews and report back on progress and challenges in their countries.   


See Organogram>>>>>

Farmer's Pride International Logo


Please read the information below to get an understanding of the stages to be followed when setting up a Farmers Pride International branch/chapter


Find more information here 

The national structures are two national governing bodies that give shape to what Farmer's Pride International Investment is at the international level, they form country structures that implement FPI-I's policies and country agroecology projects working with farmers, their farming community, governments, the donor, and investor communities. The two groups also engage community volunteers. 



FPI-I National Structures:
Country -Board / Shareholders 

  1.  Patron                                                          (1)

  2. Board Chairperson                                     (1)

  3. Deputy Chairperson                                   (1)

  4. Secretary                                                      (1)

  5. Vice secretary                                              (1)

  6. Treasurer                                                      (1)

  7. Board committee members                      (7)


     Read more about board responsibilities>>>>>

Country Secretariat

  1. Country Director

  2. Deputy Country Director

  3. National Coordinators                                 

  4. Deputy National Coordinator 

  5. Finance & Admin Officer                            

  6. Human Resources   

  7. Legal Officer   

  8. Communications Officer                              

  9. Senior Program officer 

  10. Crop Protection Extension Officers 


  1. Provincial Coordinators                            

  2. District / County Coordinators 

  3. Village Coordinator

  4. Ward Coordinator

  5. Area Coordinators

  6. Cluster Coordinators                                  

  7. Community Cluster leaders

  8. Cluster members &

  9. Country Membership       



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